The Revolution of Real Estate & Marketing: A Conversation With Century 21
Organic vs. Paid Content: What’s Changed and What’s the Payoff?
Organic vs. Paid Content: What's Changed and What's the Payoff?
The rules of local social media are constantly changing. One minute you hear that you should be focusing your efforts on organic content, and the next, you hear organic is dead. What should you believe? While local social platforms have to change algorithms that cause the importance of organic and paid content to shift, they play a role in a successful localized social strategy. Within this blog, we’ll look at what’s new in organic and paid content and break down both advantages and disadvantages. You’ll also find tips to implement a mixture of paid and organic social content into your marketing efforts to accomplish your localized marketing goals and command the attention you deserve.Organic Social Content - What’s New
Organic social content is free content that you post directly to your local social pages. With organic reach, you can expect a percentage of people following your page to see your content, along with people following your followers and those following any hashtags you include. While organic content often has a lower reach when compared to paid content, it’s still essential. Organic content is the best way to grow a connection with your local communities. Typically, multi-location marketers utilize organic content to:- Share user-generated content and brand success stories
- Highlight promotions going on at the local level
- Provide insight into local products or services
- Promote upcoming events
A Look Into Paid Social Content
Paid social content often performs better than organic content if executed correctly. Social media advertising is also the most cost-efficient way to engage your customers in conversations. Paid social media is becoming more advanced than ever, allowing you to target the right audience. For instance, on Facebook, you can choose your objective, whether it’s brand awareness, reach, lead generation, or something else. Once you select your goal, you can then choose your target audience. Again, Facebook allows you to narrow down your audience and target the correct type of potential consumers. After picking your target audience, the rest is pretty straightforward. You then set your budget, decide the format of the ad you want to create and send your request to Facebook. While Facebook ads offer some of the most advanced options available, other local social platforms provide a similar experience.Advantages and Disadvantages of Each
When looking at paid and organic content, it’s easy to find the benefits of both. Paid advertising uses analytics to track its performance, so you can see how it’s benefiting your multi-location business. For instance, with paid advertising, your multi-location business can:- Expand its reach
- Raise brand awareness
- Attract new followers
- Gather more leads
- Build relationships at the local level
- Provide quality customer service
- Increase brand awareness locally
- Boost your business’s validity