Your Localized Marketing Guide For Senior, Student, and Multifamily Living Properties
Your Localized Marketing Guide For Senior, Student, and Multifamily Living Properties
Within the world of property management, there are many different types of properties. It's no question that localized marketing is always a must, but should your marketing efforts vary depending on the type of property you're managing? While some marketing tactics can stay the same across property management companies (PMCs), others should be differentiated depending on the property type. We'll focus on multifamily, senior, and student living for this blog and break down the differences between the three. We'll also dive into which localized marketing tactics can remain consistent across all three while also highlighting best practices for each.A Look Into the Sub-Industries
As you would expect, there are some apparent differences between the marketing strategies for these three types of PMCs we'll be covering in this blog. With those distinctions, come different ways PMCs should be marketing to their target audience. For instance, a senior living facility marketer will deploy tactics that differ drastically from a student housing facility. Here's a breakdown of the three types of PMCs and the differentiating factors of each:- Senior living facilities
- These facilities are typically targeted toward adults ages 55+
- Care is one of the main focuses at senior living facilities
- The rental lifespan is often longer than student or multifamily living
- Potential residents are interested in the lifestyle of the facility, not just the living quarters
- Student housing
- The target demographic for student housing is 18-24 years old
- Potential residents are focused on the facility's location - proximity to campus - and cost
- Lifestyle is big in student housing as well - focused on events and school spirit
- Multifamily living
- From families with kids in school to roommates right out of college, the target audience for multifamily living can vary.
- Online reputation and cost are significant factors when it comes to leasing.
- Many potential residents like the ability to communicate through chatbots and social - virtual leasing tours are a big plus.
- Both prospective and current residents are interested in learning more about the property’s amenities, sense of community, and events.
Local Social - What Stays the Same and What Differs
While local social efforts might differ depending on the type of property you manage, there's no question that social media is a must.- An estimated 80 percent of apartment seekers look at social media before choosing their next rental.
- Similarly, three out of four consumers say they've discovered a new local offering based on recommendations and posts on social media.
How Local Search Comes Into Play
Your PMC's online visibility is critical as well. Whether you're in the multifamily, student housing, or senior living, you want to ensure that your target audience can find you online! If your PMC doesn't already have claimed and updated local listings, that's a great place to start. Our blog on the topic breaks it down. Once you have updated local listings with your correct name, address, and phone number, you can start thinking about additional information that should be included. For instance, if you're a senior living facility, the more information you include in your local listings, the better. Residents of senior living facilities often have someone helping them choose a location. If those researching the facilities can get images of your location, details about upcoming events, and answers to FAQs, all by looking at your local listing, it will help your property stand out. As a multifamily marketer, details are also crucial for local listings. Can you include a CTA to schedule an apartment tour? Do you have the option to showcase your property's amenities? What about cost visibility? The more details you include in your local listings, the better! Potential residents prefer convenience, and if they can find everything they want to know about your property without having to pick up the phone, it'll help your PMC when the official leasing decision time comes. Student housing companies should also ensure that their local listings are easy to find and include details. Including images of amenities and images of the lifestyle that comes with your property is a must. For student housing, guardians will often be the ones searching, so including information they will be looking for is vital. If a parent can see how close your location is to the school campus and how much to expect for cost, it will work to your benefit! While the strategies can vary slightly depending on the type of PMC, the basics remain the same! Local listings are a must, and the more information included in them, the better.Reputation Management Is a Non-Negotiable
While online reputation management efforts shouldn't vary too much depending on the type of PMC you manage, they're still crucial for localized marketing. Eighty percent of consumers consider reviews necessary to their property search. Similarly, 70 percent of prospective residents decided to visit a property with a higher online reputation. Your property's online reputation could differentiate between a resident choosing to lease with your property or a competitor. While you understand the importance of reputation management, with many property locations, it can be challenging to understand what to focus on. Data from our 2022 Localized Marketing Benchmark Report can help. The report looked at leaders in localized marketing in various industries and how they perform in local search, local social, and reputation. Property management was one of the industries studied. When looking at reputation management, the data found:- PMCs respond to an average of 74.4 percent of the reviews they receive on Google and only slightly more than 50 percent on Facebook and Yelp.
- The average PMC studied had a 3.7-star rating on Google, 3.8 on Facebook, and Yelp coming in a little lower at 2.7 stars.
- Average review response time could use some help with PMCs taking an average of 42 days to respond to a review left on Google.