The new year is right around the corner. As a multi-location marketer, you're likely already planning your localized marketing efforts for 2023. As you plan for the year ahead, you should understand what to expect in localized marketing. That's where this blog comes in! We break down the top localized marketing predictions for 2023 and detail the specifics your multi-location business needs to know. Let's get started!
Search Continues to Become Multi-Modal
The world of local search is changing. Previously, a consumer would type a search query into a search engine when looking for information. While that type of search still happens frequently, other types of search are also on the rise.You can now enter search queries and review search results in multiple forms of media, including voice, images, and text. Consumers crave convenience, and these added search options provide it. For instance, consumers can now use multisearch and put an image of a food item into Google along with the term "near me." When doing so, the search results shared images of the same food item at restaurants nearby the searcher's location. The same can be done with product searches, as seen in the example below from Google. In 2023, we expect consumers to utilize these different types of search more as platforms like Google work to elevate themselves beyond being strictly text-based. Your multi-location business should optimize its local listings and pages with relevant images of the products and services you want to promote. The more opportunities Google has to leverage your content in all types of search results, the better! For additional insight into how your multi-location business can improve its local search efforts, download our Top 10 Things You Should Be Doing in Local SEO NOW Guide!
Inflation Will Continue to Impact Marketing Strategies
Another critical item to consider when planning your 2023 localized marketing strategy is inflation. While it's hard to say if inflation will continue throughout the year, it will likely impact at least the first half of 2023. Over the past six months, consumers are increasingly turning to budget options for food and shopping as inflation continues to impact the prices of everyday goods. A recent study from Yelp found that this trend is causing many consumers to look to national brands. Of those surveyed, 54 percent said they do business more often with national chain restaurants and retailers due to inflation. While many multi-location businesses are considered a national brand, it's important to showcase what your business is doing to help consumers in an era of higher prices. For instance, do you have a rewards system to support loyal customers? Do you offer layaway plans or a discount to new customers? If you have offerings in place to help customers fight inflation, that's great, but they can only have an impact if potential customers know about them! Our recent blog dives into specific localized marketing tactics your multi-location business can use to stand out during this time.
TikTok Provides More Opportunities for Local Businesses
While TikTok is no longer considered a new social platform, its popularity continues to grow. TikTok now has over one billion active monthly users, and this growth brings an increasing number of opportunities for local businesses. For instance, a recent survey found that 53 percent of millennials have visited a restaurant they discovered on the platform. If you're a restaurant brand, a presence on TikTok is a must in 2023. Sharing videos that highlight your restaurant's ambiance, the unique foods you offer, or content that gives a behind-the-scenes look into your restaurant can intrigue potential diners. User-generated content (UGC) resembling a peers' voice is especially popular. While TikTok is important for restaurant brands, the platform is also becoming increasingly crucial for businesses in other industries. For instance, while scrolling through TikTok, you may see an influencer picking out an outfit or doing a makeup tutorial while sharing the products they use. Product recommendations are all over the platform and a large reason consumers use it.As a multi-location brand, you should keep an eye out for influencers highlighting your products or those of your competitors. This may lead to an opportunity for your multi-location business to partner with an influencer and further promote your brand. Similarly, the tactics mentioned above for restaurant brands can be applied to any industry. Although it's hard to predict the next stage of evolution for TikTok, we know that the platform is worth investing in as a multi-location marketer in categories like food and retail, and it’s likely other categories will follow suit. It’s also worth noting that while TikTok is essential, this doesn’t mean your multi-location brand should neglect other local social platforms. Check out our Localized Social Content Guide for an in-depth look at what it takes to build a complete local social strategy.
Consumer Volume of Reviews is Decreasing
Another localized marketing prediction we expect to see in 2023 is that the volume of new consumer reviews will plateau or even decrease. Before we get into this, it's essential to understand that although review volume is on the decline, this doesn't undermine the importance of reviews. SOCi's Director of Market Insights Damian Rollison conducted a recent research report, The State of Google Reviews, which uncovered this trend. When looking at the historical trend in volume of reviews, our findings show that review volume on Google peaked in August 2019, with the average business receiving 13.1 new reviews during that month. Google shut reviews down during the early months of COVID. Once restored, growth in review volume peaked again in July 2021, only to decrease gradually in the months since. As of July 2022, the average business only generates 5.8 new reviews per month. This lower (though relatively steady) volume of new reviews may, in part, reflect a turn in consumer attention towards social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok as a source for local recommendations. So what does this trend and prediction for the future mean for your multi-location business? While review volume seems to have steadied out, your business still needs to pay attention to reviews. If your multi-location business's reviews fall below the average of 5.8 new reviews per month, you could fall behind competitors.According to another recent report, Top Ranking and Conversion Factors in Local Search, the highest-ranked businesses in local searches on Google have the greatest volume of reviews, with profiles ranked 1-3 having an average of 21 percent more reviews than profiles ranked 4-10. The data speaks for itself; it is crucial to maintain a substantial review volume even while reviews on Google are plateauing. To understand how your business can gain more reviews and develop a robust reputation management strategy, download our Multi-Location Marketer's Guide to Online Reputation Management.
The Expansion of the Metaverse
The metaverse is an evolution of how users experience the internet. As mentioned with search, users now do more than just read and write — they're also immersed in the internet and becoming a part of the experience. As a multi-location marketer, it's vital to ensure you're using the metaverse to its fullest potential. Before we dive further into the metaverse, let's define it. The metaverse is an iteration of the internet in which users can build interactive experiences that combine the virtual and real worlds. Meta, previously known as Facebook, includes all of the company's products and services and is an excellent example of a company bringing the metaverse to life. As mentioned in our CMO Monica Ho's recent piece on the metaverse, "Consumers are likely to get comfortable with the metaverse; brands should too. The most innovative brands will tie digital worlds to the real world." While this may seem overwhelming initially, many brands are already doing it, and it will help differentiate your business from competitors. For instance, a makeup company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) to allow users to turn on their camera on their phone or computer and try different shades of makeup combines aspects of the digital and real world. Similarly, Chipotle's Burrito Builder offers an interactive experience that mimics Chipotle's operations. As you think about your 2023 localized marketing efforts, consider how your multi-location business can become a part of the metaverse. When getting started, consider choosing one idea to integrate into the metaverse and measure its success. Often, these experiments take time, so starting small and growing over time is essential.
Kick off 2023 With a Strong Localized Marketing Strategy
Now that you understand what to expect in localized marketing for 2023, it's time to start building your strategy! With 100s or 1,000s of business locations, scaling a robust localized marketing strategy can be challenging, but SOCi is here to help! SOCi is the marketing platform for multi-location brands. SOCi has all the tools your business needs to achieve localized marketing success under one login, from local listings to local social to reputation management, chatbots, and more! For more insight into how SOCi can help your multi-location business crush its 2023 marketing goals, request a demo today!